The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Any type of bread that doesn't fall into the other buckets: herb breads, sandwich breads, fruit and nut breads, anything else you enjoy.

livingdog's picture

faux semolina

November 1, 2010 - 5:28pm -- livingdog

I tried baking with a semolina I found in the local Jewish grocery store. The brand of the ... "flour"? is Stybel. When I openned the bag the "flour" had the consistency of cornmeal! I was very surprised but followed the recipe closely. The resulting "dough" was more like a soggy cereal. Panicing I added ~2 cups of All-Purpose (Heckers) flour and the dough began to be manageable. Baking it at the designated 350 deg the bread wouldn't rise and it tasted bland.

clazar123's picture

How do you use brioche dough?Favorite shape? Filling?

November 1, 2010 - 2:15pm -- clazar123

I just tried Floym's Lazy  Man's Brioche and I was impressed. It was a very easy to make ,beautifully silky dough. I imitated his idea and used chocolate in some but then decided to try a few different fillings. I made an almond orange filling in a few,peach jam and plain. The chocolate and almond/orange were delicious warm!

This did get me thinking as to how versatile this dough is. I always thought it was a sweet dough but it's actually a rich dough that could be either sweet or savory. So now I'm wondering how people use this dough.

Lucifer's picture

Russian sourdough no more?

October 31, 2010 - 5:28pm -- Lucifer

For those fortunate few to know what real russian bread tasted some while ago I have bad news - that bread is no more.

I just came back from a week long trip to Russia. My hopes to get a feel of what Borodinsky and other authentic breads should taste were shattered when I encountered the same spongy-type bread most of the west is eating now.

My reference point is 20-30 years back.

The bread came in these common types across most of the country with some local variations:

butterflygrooves's picture

I want to make something different...

October 31, 2010 - 10:30am -- butterflygrooves

I want to make something different today but don't have a lot of creativity in me at the moment (or a scale to measure with).  I'm waiting for my starter to mature to make sourdough so it's no go there.

Here's what I have to use:

Bread Flour
WW Flour  - about 1 1/2 cups left
Active Dry Yeast - 3 tsp left
Ground Flax Seeds
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Rolled Oats
Milk/Water/Olive Oil

ryeme's picture

In search of Israeli bread recipe

October 30, 2010 - 7:52pm -- ryeme


I'm in search of what my fiancee describes as "typical Israeli bread you buy in the supermarket." She says it had a soft crust, was probably a light wheat and had an indescribable (apparently) flavor.

My initial searches on this site and googling turned up only one possible example that I'm not sure fills the bill -- haven't tried it yet as I just printed it out.

Grateful for any help!




coffeetester's picture

What are we baking this weekend.

October 29, 2010 - 8:19pm -- coffeetester

I got the "Dough" Book, by Bertinet, out. I was thinking of the Pain De Compange. I Love Rye bread and its an over night poolish. My first loaf last weekend was a white poolish and came out OK (Dense with no crumb but taste. Are people experimenting or are we making out stand by's.


PS Im experimenting with my SD starter and feeding it different amounts to see what I should use.

berryblondeboys's picture

So I oiled my bowl for rising

October 26, 2010 - 6:22am -- berryblondeboys

and it got just as stuck to the bowl as if I didn't oil the bowl. Then, my dough changed with the added oil to it - especially noticeable on the crust. Why does it seem everythign I do with baking bread, go contrary to what you all masters can do? I'm not a novice in the kitchen and most people find me pretty gourmet and an excellent cook. I have the moistest cakes, etc. BUT breads are the hardest thing yet. I cannot even get the oiling of the bowl right! ugh... is there a trick I'm missing?


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