The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Any type of bread that doesn't fall into the other buckets: herb breads, sandwich breads, fruit and nut breads, anything else you enjoy.

Scott Grocer's picture

"Lunch Lady Rolls" trouble shooting?

November 12, 2010 - 2:48pm -- Scott Grocer


I made Alabuba's "Lunch Lady Rolls" from and I'm positive I messed something up because they came out of the oven looking like biscuits. They were tender and had good flavor, but no structure to speak of. The crumb reminds me of a muffin, small and tight.

I was kneading by hand, measuring my ingredients by weight, and best I can come up with is maybe I didn't knead the dough enough?

Mary Clare's picture

When to take lid off no-knead bread?

November 12, 2010 - 11:24am -- Mary Clare

Hello all,

I tried my first no-knead bread in a Calphalon Dutch oven.  This is truly EASY bread! I didn't want a large loaf, so I made it cut the recipe (King Arthur) by 25%, and I wondered.... how do you know when to take the lid off?  

I'm thinking that once the bread (any kind, not just "Dutch oven" bread) reaches full size, additional steam just toughens the crust.  Is this right?

The top of the bread has a 'shiny' look to it and didn't get very brown, even though the temp was over 205 F.  Perhaps the lid was left on too long?

OldWoodenSpoon's picture

The "Ugly Loaf" Thread

November 8, 2010 - 9:37pm -- OldWoodenSpoon

I think it is time for a new "Ugly Loaf" thread, and I'm going to start it off.  Here is a picture to prove my worthiness, and I'll refer you to my blog entry here for the rest of the story.

Do you have an "Ugly Loaf" you are willing to add to the collection here?  I sure hope so because I'm felling a little lonely here all by myself right now. :)

Looks awful, but tastes great!

clazar123's picture

Pantry Disaster-need some suggestions

November 8, 2010 - 1:27pm -- clazar123

Good thing I went looking for a tablecloth!I was unburying the bottom shelf in my pantry (it's a small closet) and realized that the floor was all wet. I had a gallon jug of water that had apparently developed a leak in it's flimsy plastic container.No worries, all my wheat is in plastic buckets......I thought.

breadsong's picture

A try at baguettes, a la Bouabsa and SteveB

November 7, 2010 - 12:54pm -- breadsong


SteveB ( has made some beautiful baguettes, which I saw recently on his post:

His baguettes are gorgeous...I wanted to see if I could replicate his result using the same flour he was using,
La Milanaise Organic Unbleached AP.

This was my schedule:

davidg618's picture

Day (or two) old Challah

November 7, 2010 - 9:35am -- davidg618

We love fresh Challah, by itself, buttered, even jammed; but, within twenty-four hours, it's just another bread...Except, when it's used for French toast! Recently, a good neighbor and friend gave me a recipe for baked French toast, that exceeds anything I've done with eggs and Challah on a griddle.

The original recipe calls for "French bread". I've substituted day-old Challah. In my humble opinion, it's much better with the Challah substitution.

Here's the recipe.

Baked French Toast



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