The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Any type of bread that doesn't fall into the other buckets: herb breads, sandwich breads, fruit and nut breads, anything else you enjoy.

CoveredInFlour's picture

Resting Dough During Kneading- Yes? No?

November 6, 2010 - 12:32pm -- CoveredInFlour

Hello! :)

In the past 6 months that I've been making bread by hand, I've been having a serious problem with adding too much flour to the dough during the kneading process. I have not yet learned to properly judge stickiness versus tackiness so I tend to add more flour (with a heavy hand) to reduce or eliminate what I think is too much stickiness. That may be part of what is causing my breads to blow out on the sides, as well as not quite enough rising time. I'm new at this and hoping to learn, or die trying. :D

kolobezka's picture

Please, help with diagnosis of this bread

November 4, 2010 - 10:43pm -- kolobezka


yeasterday a friend of mine showed me a picture of his last bread and asked what he did wrong. Do you have an idea?

Here is the recipe he used:

210g rye starter 150% hydration

250g water

300g white flour T650

200g medium rye T930

50g whole wheat  flour

1/4 tsp instant yeast

2 tsp salt

Dough cycle in the bread machine, then put in a clay pot, let proof 30 minutes and baked 70 minutes 200°C (uncovered for the last 15 minutes)

lagoldberg8397's picture

Make-Ahead Rolls for Thanksgiving

November 4, 2010 - 5:18am -- lagoldberg8397

I want to bake dinner rolls on Thanksgiving Day but make the dough and shape the rolls two days earlier.  Here are my questions - 

- Can I refrigerate the dough for 48 hours or do I need to freeze it?  I don't want the dough to overproof.

- Should I shape the rolls after the first rise and let the thawing period be the second rise?  Or do I need to do both rises before chilling the dough?

- Is there a special refrigerator dough recipe I should use?  I usually use the white bread recipe from the King Arthur cookbook or from Peter Reinhart's BBA.

fayee's picture

hot lemon lava desserts

November 2, 2010 - 4:37pm -- fayee

has anyone heard of the hot lemon lava  individual cake dessserts served at the Sweet Tomato restaurant chain?  many people on the internet are looking for a recipe to make from scratch at home but if you check many recipe sites they all talk about lemon pudding cake etc. which is not the same.

this recipe, from the descriptions i read, is like a chocolate molten cake baked in ramekins but from probably a sponge/lemon cake with molten lemon filling.

according to comments i read it is to-die-for  . so is anyone up for the challenge?

cindybakes's picture

Pepperoni bread - seam always bursts and leaks

November 2, 2010 - 1:30pm -- cindybakes

This is my second attempt to post this.  Not sure where the first one went.

My son loves pepperoni bread and I try to bake it often.  But most of the time, the seam seal does not hold and the cheese and pepperoni bursts out the side and it looks like a big "tumor" on the side of the loaf, and never mind the mess all over the pan.  Is there a recommended way to seal the seams on this type of bread?

nicodvb's picture

Does anyone use large amounts of starter from the fridge?

November 2, 2010 - 3:15am -- nicodvb


recently I came across a different method of using sourdough starter: rather than using a small amount of it in the preferment use a large part of it (20% with respect to flour) straight from the fridge, without preferment of any kind, regardless of the "age" of the starter (meaning even if it's weeks old).

I'm curious to know if anyone ever uses this method and how the bread comes out. I never did because I feared I would get an excessive amount of sourness, that I don't like.


livingdog's picture

No-Knead success - add kneading

November 1, 2010 - 9:04pm -- livingdog

I have been concentrating on a "no-knead" recipe (the famous one from the NYT) to try and get it just right. Here is the final result. The close-up image is fuzzy since I only have a cell phone camera. The flavor was my best ever.

You have to knead the bread in order for it not to adhere to anything it touches. Just folding will leave you with a soup mixture of dough. If you watch the video you will see a goopy mess of a dough which, in the next shot, magically turns into a silky consistent dough ball with some structure.


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