The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Any type of bread that doesn't fall into the other buckets: herb breads, sandwich breads, fruit and nut breads, anything else you enjoy.

dablues's picture

Savory Sweet Potato Bread

October 1, 2010 - 7:04am -- dablues


I'm looking for a recipe for a savory Sweet Potato Bread Recipe that will have a firm crust, and not using cinnamon, nuts, etc.  I've looked all over the net but haven't found anything that I'm interested in. If anyone knows of such a recipe and could point me in that direction would be appreciated.  Thanks!

rodentraiser's picture

Do I HAVE to score baguettes?

September 26, 2010 - 7:56pm -- rodentraiser

 Since sourdough has obviously failed, I'm turning my attention to baguettes. I'm having problems with it (solvable ones, I think) but the biggest one is scoring the bread. I've scored it fast, I've scored it slow, I've scored straight, I've scored at an angle, I've used my knives, I've used a razor blade, I've oiled it, watered it, prayed over it, and sacrificed a goat (just kidding) but no matter what I do, the blade hangs up on the dough and drags at it, which collapses the little loaf. If I try to "hold" the dough, it collapses.

mpiasec's picture

bagels no taste

September 25, 2010 - 8:14am -- mpiasec

I am new to this forum, I just received the BBA bread book and I tried the bagel receipe.  I followed all the directions and yet I found the bagels had no taste and they flattened out.  Any input as to what I could have done wrong would be appreciated.  I used malt syrup for the sugar.  Does malt syrup have a shelf life? Please respond.

Scott M's picture

Exploding Baking Stone?????

September 23, 2010 - 8:06pm -- Scott M

Lately I've had a crazy hankering to make some Trinidadian "Buss Up Shut" roti (a wonderful variation on flatbread), which is done on what they often call a "baking stone" or "tawah". It's a very large griddle-like surface, over direct flame.

Therein lies my quandary....They often call it a "baking stone" but I'm wondering if it is actually cast iron. Is it OK to heat a baking stone (Pampered Chef) over a gas flame?

The instructions say no, but we all know that manufacturers are often ultra-conservative.

Will my stone explode into smithereens if I do this?


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