The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


chetc's picture

Corn bread

August 18, 2010 - 4:53am -- chetc

Over the last few years on & off I try to make corn muffins or corn bread, I have purchased some good ones but never could bake a good one, either they were to cake type or too dry and fell apart, not much flavor, Wonder if any one here has conquered a good corn muffin or corn bread.




teketeke's picture

Japanese sandwich bread

August 15, 2010 - 3:17am -- teketeke

Update:  3/1/2011

I haven't been satisfied with my old version sandwich bread because I smell strong yeast in the bread and the loaf was dry quickly. I have been working on my recipe to improve.  This sandwich loaf is my favorite.  I hope you will like it too.



Japanese sandwich bread




benjamin's picture

an appeal for help!

August 13, 2010 - 7:28pm -- benjamin

Hi everyone,

this is a last ditch appeal for help! My girlfriend and I are staying with her parents for the weekend, and we are supposed to bring a cheesecake to a dinner party on Sunday. I wanted to make the cheesecake from Suas advanced bread and pastry, however I forgot to pack the book before leaving home! I was wondering if anyone out there with the textbook would be willing to take the time to write out the formula and proceedure for me an send me in a message. I realize this is not a fun task, but it would be hugely appreciated!

thanks in advance,


teketeke's picture

This is how I finally have open crumbs and ears using high heat (500F)

August 13, 2010 - 5:19am -- teketeke

Updated 9/29/2010

Updated: 9/15/2010 I want to introduce Edwin's recipe( pipo1000) that is absolutely phenomenal.

 Next time, I want to try dragon trail pattern for my baguette. That is fantastic!

Przytulanka's picture


August 11, 2010 - 1:59pm -- Przytulanka

I just have removed my bread  from the oven. I baked in Romertopf for the first time. I oiled the pot  but I can`t remove the bread from the pot . Could anyone advise me in this matter? I would be grateful . I baked another one in  cheap oven safe pot and I removed the bread easily.


phxdog's picture

Go Wet Young Man

August 9, 2010 - 7:31am -- phxdog


Over the weekend I decided to crack open my new copy of Peter Reinhart's "The Bread Baker's Apprentice" and branch out from my year-long self imposed focus on perfecting a few selected artisan bread recipes. I really wanted to try a few high hydration recipes to get more comfortable with them. Rich Man's Brioche looked and sounded pretty exotic, so off I went to buy the truckload of butter called for in the recipe.


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