The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


yjbus's picture

liquid temp and dough

November 11, 2011 - 1:03pm -- yjbus

i was just curious how the temperature of liquid effects the formation of dough.

i just noticed that if i heated up my liquid then added it to my flour, it would create a much more sticker, softer dough compared to if i used the same exact amount of liquid, but cold and straight from the refrigerator.

should this be happening or am i doing something wrong?


Anonymous baker's picture

Revisiting the Ridiculous.

November 6, 2011 - 11:46am -- Anonymous baker (not verified)

I thought I'd share my reaction to revisiting a build process that seemed innocent enough when first encountered it, but now seems completely ridiculous:

The last time I rebuilt a starter from scratch was 2006, so I chose the old standby, Nancy Silverton's method, which worked well for me then.

I paid no attention to the amounts of flour needed for each feeding when creating the to-do spreadsheet; but, I'm now being confronted with just how ridiculous the amounts are now that I'm having to feed it three times a day.

SylviaH's picture

Wire Cooling Racks for Brod&Taylor Home Proofer - Measure

November 4, 2011 - 12:28pm -- SylviaH

It has been brought to my attention by Mr. Michael Taylor.  If you plan on ordering the set of 3 wire cooling racks for your B&T proofer.  Be sure and check the measurements.  The ones sold on by Wilton are to large.  They are 15X12 1/2 and will not fit.

The ones I have must not be Wilton brand.  I've had them for sometime and can't remember where I purchased them or brand.  They fit very nicely inside the proofer and measure.

I have found very similar ones that will fit at ( )

They measure 13.5X9.75 and come in a set of 3 for $11.99

Anonymous baker's picture

The essential problem with white bread...

November 3, 2011 - 8:54am -- Anonymous baker (not verified)

... is that when you combine 8 thick slices (broken into pieces) with 1 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of butter, 1 tablespoon vanilla, 3 eggs, and 2 cups of whole milk and bake it at 400 F for 30 minutes, it turns into bread pudding!

I've discovered this problem recently, and now I must spend another 4 hours a week on my bike to rid myself of the calories.

This is most distressing.

Anonymous baker's picture

Noodles in the East, Bread in the West

November 2, 2011 - 8:01am -- Anonymous baker (not verified)

Why does this (generalized) demarcation hold: noodles in the East; bread in the West? 

Is it because the lack of energy resources in the East (compared to the West) discouraged the use of energy hungry ovens?

I realize there's no mutual exclusivity here (there's bread in the East, noodles (esp. pasta) in the West), but it seems like the history of bread is so much more rich in the West.


SylviaH's picture

Brod & Taylor Folding Proofer - Fantastic Customer Service

November 1, 2011 - 3:50pm -- SylviaH

I wanted to let everyone know about the fantastic customer service I have received from 'Brod & Taylor Folding Proofer' Company and CEO.  

Recently on my blog I posted about my new proofer.  It had stopped heating.

Before, I even had a chance to contact the company.  On a Sunday, Mr. Michael Taylor, contacted me and assured me how he stood by his product 110% and, was very concerned about why my proofer was not heating.  

He has been constant touch with me and I couldn't be more satisfied with the support.  


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