The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Dwayne's picture

Help - How did they do this?

December 6, 2011 - 5:14am -- Dwayne



Well it is the catalog season and our mail box is stuffed with them.  We got one from Norm Thompson and it had a "Slovenian Potica Coffee Cake" in it.  The picture of it looks terrific but I can not figure out how they did it.  Maybe one of you know the trick.  I could not grab the image and put it here so here is the link:


Boboshempy's picture

Paris Bakery Tour Suggestions

December 4, 2011 - 6:49pm -- Boboshempy

Ok, so my wife and I are going to Paris and we want to eat our way through all the MUST SEE bakeries.  It is my first time there and, as we all know, bread is quite an obsession of mine.  Does anyone have any good current itineraries or suggestions of how to attack Paris?  It is quite overwhelming for me so I really appreciate any knowledge anyone can lay on me!

Thank you so much my baking friends!


sam's picture

Slap+fold, worked! :)

November 27, 2011 - 10:09am -- sam


So far, I've ever only used a mechanical mixer to make doughs.  Well, after a year, the machine finally broke.  So I decided to try developing a dough by hand.  I watched a couple of youtube videos on the slap+fold technique.   First I began with a liquid levain at 125% hydration, and a flour soaker at 80% hydration, and a final dough at 68% hydration.   90% of the flour is white bread flour, 10% is a mix of a bunch of different whole grain flours (ww, spelt, rye, barley, einkorn).   I thought I'd start with an easier dough my first time.


Anonymous baker's picture

Conveyer Oven?

November 26, 2011 - 10:01am -- Anonymous baker (not verified)

I remember reading something of Hamelman's (not sure if it was from Bread, but it was Hamelman) where he mentions putting loaves "onto the conveyer".

This conveyer is an oven, right? Are they ever used in artisan bakeries? Are smaller ones available or are they just for huge commercial bakeries, like this monster:

IndoLee's picture

Winter's End (thanks all!)

November 25, 2011 - 7:17pm -- IndoLee

"Winter" finally ended here.... spring has sprung and bread is beginning to flower.  Played with dramatically reduced fermentation times (bulk & proof - not sure why they are so short here?); added a top stone in addition to the bottom one I was baking on, and finally got my little Indo "engine-that-could" oven huffing and puffing up to 500 F - without immediately dropping 100 F(+) when oven door was opened.


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