The Roadside Pie King's blog

Kaiser Rolls. Big boy sandwich style.

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Eureka! Though trial and error I have successfully recreated the authentic, iconic NYC Kaiser roll. Brought to America by our German Jewish neighbors. These are the big ones of breakfast sandwich fame. 

Check another one off the list.

Kaiser rolls-✅

Yeasted white bread burger rolls From BBA variation #1

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Quick as a jiffy rolls to go with my burgers. Very nice results. My only critique, I should have been more aggressive, pressing them down into the burger bun shape.

The shaping process

1. The well fermented dough ball is divided into three smaller equal pieces.

2. Each of the three dough balls is rolled out into a log shape.

3. Each of the logs is divided into four equal pieces

4. Each of the 111g pieces is shaped into a tight little ball.

5. Under my conditions, proofing covered on the bench took 35 minutes.

Aim: practical hands on baguette lab. Mixing, Shaping and baking

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King


On hold. To be competed 



1. Practice mixing a Baguette dough that is manageable, and mechanically mixed to the optimal dough development to achieve an open airy crumb.

A. Use a tried true formula that has proven to yield good results.

B. Practice using our senses to gage dough development. Touch, look., and smell. Taking care not to overly work the dough. Leaving time, and temperature to fully develop the gluten network. 

2. Gain proficiency in handling, divide, preshaping and shaping.

Semolina cornmeal and almond biscotti

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Test bake #1

Formula: Hayden heritage grain mill cookbook.

The original formula called for pecan & lemon zest. I substituted almond, and anise oil.

The players are assembled.

The butter and sugar are creamed. Anise oil and vanilla extract added

Peter Reinhart's "Epoxy method" Master whole Grain formula.

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King


The natural yeast leiven, and the soaker


Day #2- have all the final dough ingredients weighted and ready. Prep the ingredients for the mechanical mixing. Mix the final dough, with the goal of achieving a soft cohesive dough ball that is slightly tacky and just about passes the window pane test. Bulk fermentation until 1 1/2 times the volume is achieved.