The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Introduction from CA

rikki_n_taysia's picture

Hello from Orange County! (California)

April 15, 2012 - 11:02am -- rikki_n_taysia


I'm Rikki and I have been baking bread and for about a year now.  I am always trying to challenge myself so now I am attempting to "grow" my own sourdough starter to make some awesome, home made sourdough bread.  That is how I have found this site. 

I am a stay at home mother and I enjoy baking from scratch not only for the ability to put love into everything I cook but to take advantage of the health benefits as well.  My two year old daugher also loves to help in the kitchen, as she tries to knead her own piece of dough when we make our bread.

JustinB's picture


February 22, 2011 - 2:22pm -- JustinB

Hi everyone! My name is Justin, I work at a bakery in the Sacramento area. We make artisan breads; Rustic french, sourdough, ciabatta, pugliese, foccacia and challah. I've been baking for a little over 1.5 years. I make about 1600 loaves of various bread a week (aiaiai!) It's exhausting, but quite possibly the most interesting/fun thing I've ever done! I don't have any formal schooling for bread, and have learned everything hands-on and for more of the "why" aspect, reading. I love learning about new breads, and this site is great!

footsore's picture

Hello and thanks from California, and delicious whole-grain spelt-wheat sourdough bread

November 30, 2010 - 9:08am -- footsore

Hi, everyone,

This is my first post, and I want to start by saying THANKS SO MUCH! to all the wonderful people on this web site for helping me to start baking great-tasting bread.  What drew my attention first of all were the many cheerful and sensible posts by Mini Oven; and I  soon found that I love rye bread.  So thank you, Mini Oven!

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