The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Anything else that you want to post here that doesn't seem to have a home

sonofYah's picture

Excel 2003 - Simple Dough Scaling Spreadsheet

January 23, 2008 - 10:02pm -- sonofYah

I have made a simple little 1 sheet spreadsheet to scale recipes easily. I have attached comments to certain cells in the spreadsheet to explain how it works. If anyone is interested, I saved it in Excel 2003 format. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this spreadsheet, email me and I will send you a copy. It is only 25 kb in size.

If you see a problem with it, let me know and I will correct it.

 --Gordon in TX--

Rosalie's picture

Jealousy spurs attempt at another get-together

January 20, 2008 - 5:52pm -- Rosalie

Well, I'm jealous.  Of the people in San Diego and other places that have enough people to have a get-together.

I live in a relatively rural (so far) part of California, but I wonder if there are others not far.  I'm on the Central Coast.  Is there anyone else in this vicinity so that we could plan something?  Santa Barbara?  Monterey?  Fresno?  Bakersfield?


colinwhipple's picture

Yeast's life extended 10-fold in lab

January 19, 2008 - 7:26am -- colinwhipple

"USC researchers have extended the life span of baker's yeast 10-fold through a combination of genetic manipulation and caloric restriction, marking the greatest increase in prolonging life ever achieved in the laboratory."

Monica's picture

Auburn Rye Bread - Cleveland in the '50's

January 15, 2008 - 8:02am -- Monica

Can anywone help me find a recipe for "Auburn Rye Bread?" Explainaton: Growing up in Cleveland my Mom whould come home from Eastern Market, and...a special stop at the Auburn Bakery for their signature rye. Before the groceries were unloaded us 5 kids ate the bread. It was a light rye, light to medium texture, round loaf, with a delicious flavor that has haunted me. Would anyone out there be able to help me find THIS recipe or one like it. All the rye I try are to heavey. Thanks. M

Trishinomaha's picture

Photos on comments

January 13, 2008 - 6:10am -- Trishinomaha

Floyd - Love the new feature showing everyone's photo! It's fun to see the pictures since we all have a tendency to form a picture in our minds of what people look like. This bog just gets better and better. Thanks for all your hard work!

Trish in Omaha

wholegrainOH's picture

Appropriate bread for Ontario ci. 1972?

January 9, 2008 - 7:35am -- wholegrainOH

An odd request: I'm working on a production of Michael Healey's play, The Drawer Boy, which will be produced by our local professional theatre company. In the play, one of the characters (a man who was brain damaged by shrapnel in World War II) obsessively bakes bread. The play takes place in 1972 in rural Ontario, on a farm.


The question: what sort of bread would he be baking? Any Canadian bakers on the group?




AbbyL's picture

Where did I go wrong?

January 6, 2008 - 2:39pm -- AbbyL

My first foray into artisan bread baking was a miserable failure! I tried to make pain de campagne (BBA, p. 195). I thought I was slavishly following the instructions in every detail,  but the result was two dense, stunted, sad little boules with a small crumb, except for a flat hole near the top of the loaf, and a tough crust. What the heck happened to that oven spring I was expecting? 
I had high hopes for the dough after combining all the ingredients-- it passed the windowpane test with flying colors.

Dave W's picture

Moving bread

January 3, 2008 - 9:45am -- Dave W

What is the best way to move bread thats proving on a flour dusted proving cloth/Couche, and then to put them onto a dusted peel/tray ready for the oven. With some breads that are delicate, longer rolls containing other heavy additions, olives, peppers etc are always very fragile. any ideas other than be carefull !. iv'e tried using a large utensile like a fish slice but this seems to damage the bread, lifting it by hand is difficult as the rolls bend in the center.


Dave W


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