The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.
JLCorbin's picture

Home Bread Proofer Business Project

February 4, 2011 - 11:33am -- JLCorbin

Hi Everyone,

I am a business student at a school in Boston. I am working with a team of 7 other students to develop a new product and build a business project around it as a semester long project. Our team has decided to work on a home bread proofer that could be sold commercially. We are very early in the process and would really appreciate any feedback we could get. I have included our survey below, but please feel free to give any feedback possible! We would very much appreciate it!

Thomas Parr's picture

Doukhobor Bread Recipe

February 4, 2011 - 10:03am -- Thomas Parr

Hello out there:

Does any member of this forum have or know where to get a recipe for "Doukhobor Bread".  For those who don't know what a Doukhobor is, they were a Religious sect living in Tsarist Russia and fled to Canada and homesteaded.  Their loaves of bread are apparently to die for and sell "by the slice" at the annual gathering in or around Saskatoon, SK, Canada.


ssor's picture

english muffins

February 4, 2011 - 9:09am -- ssor

I had some left over biga from making pain puglese last week. last night I weighed the flour left in a bag, 21 ounces. The biga amounted to about a cup and a half. I scooped that with my hand and mixed it with 16 ounces of warm water and a teaspoon of yeast and 10 grams of salt. I calculated that this gave me about 75% hydration. I mixed the dough by hand and allowed several periods of resting between turning and folding the dough 3 or 4 strokes.

Sylviambt's picture

Hi all. It's been quite a while since I contributed to this site. Lots of changes in last 18 months: bought a farm, began raising grass-fed/grass-finished beef, sold house, now building farm house, started hosting an FM radio show about sustainable farming and its links to sustainable local economies and community. I've been relying on my bread machine for months, but I'm itching to get back to "real" bread baking. I've signed up for a Hamelman challenge to push me along. A secondary challenge is that my bread books are in storage while the farm house is under construction. I'm relying on a copy from the local library to help me make it through.

Hope you're all staying warm this wild winter.


ww's picture

Baking stone cracked, don't do this!

February 4, 2011 - 12:25am -- ww

I placed my very hot baking stone to cool on a coaster (room temperature, 30 degrees celsius) that is about 20 cm/8 inches across and 1 cm/half an inch thick made of cork with a plastic centre. Half an hr later, it broke into half - a very neat but sad line across diagonally.

My brother-in-law says it should have been placed on a flat surface. The fact that its weight was not evenly supported as it cooled caused it to crack. Even though the coaster was very thin and quite wide.

has this ever happened to anyone?? if nothing else, don't do what i did!


Syd's picture

Yet another miche!

February 3, 2011 - 11:12pm -- Syd


I just can't seem to get enough of dmsnyder's miche.  The taste lingers on in my mouth for hours after I have finished eating it.  It has a nutty, wheaty, caramel flavour to it that is quite addictive.  I have been dreaming about it for the last two weeks since I first made it. Now that Chinese New Year has arrived, and I finally have time to make it again, I have wasted no time in mixing one up.

dstroy's picture

not your ordinary "Ciabatta".


(image not mine - found online via reddit - shared for your amusement)


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