The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Sourdough and Starters

Capturing the wild yeasts.

Sliss4's picture

Problem with new starter from Ken Forkish

February 9, 2015 - 9:39am -- Sliss4

I've had such good luck baking from Ken Forkish's book that I decided to try making his starter. Based on what I've read on this site I decided to use 1/4 of the amounts given. I followed his instructions exactly on days 1 and 2. On day three I mistakenly added a bit of white flour instead of WW. On day 4 I decided that the container made it too difficult for mixing so I transferred the contents to another. Today, day 5, I don't have any bubbles (not that I had many before) but I followed instructions as given. 

jen lynch's picture

using starter straight from refrigerator

February 8, 2015 - 2:57pm -- jen lynch

Hi, thank you all for the advice and support--I know my question has been asked but not exactly the same way and I have seen conflicting answers.

I got my little container of King Arthur Flour starer up and running and actually made a sprouted spelt sandwich loaf with it yesterday.  It came out fine, although there is room for improvement, and I am going to make another loaf tonight using a longer fermentation time. 

Dave's picture

Rosemary and Black Olive Country Loaf

February 8, 2015 - 10:52am -- Dave

Hi everyone,

Love Rosemary? Love Black olives? Why not bake some bread with them!!

One of my all time faves!! I use to do this one when I was first using commercial yeast and have not had the chance to do it with sourdough. So finally I did.

Love it so much. The two really do go so well together.














Ingrid G's picture

To autolize with or without levain

February 7, 2015 - 6:43pm -- Ingrid G

Yesterday my long awaited Hamelman 'Bread' book arrived.

I am reading with interest that the author recommends an autolize with only flour and water.

When reading through the daily updates, I see that normally bakers autolize including the levain.

This is what I usually do and I get great results, but I'm keeping an open mind.

Which method is better? Is there difference in outcome of the bake?

Heylo's picture

Non-wheat sourdough breads

February 5, 2015 - 7:53am -- Heylo

Hi all,

Up till now i've been a silent reader of this great bread database.. Now it's time for a question.

I've recently started making non-wheat sourdough loaves, using whole rye and spelt flours only. Obviously the dough is much waterier and sticky, and the loaves flatter and denser. Right now I'm streching and folding my current dough every 30 minutes, in hope for some improvement.

So- If you guys have any tips on how to get better textures and rise without using wheat flour- you'll be saving my loaves and guaranteeing yourselves a place in bread heaven.

Barbarat's picture

sourdough oat bread

February 3, 2015 - 11:40am -- Barbarat

I was looking for this since a while !Coming across Laurel Robertson's Bread book( love it!) I found her oat bread but done as a regular yeast bread. Since I am borderline diabetic and a bread aholic, I was looking for a nice sour dough oat bread. Txfarmer posted the perfect formula (thank you txfarmer). The one with whole wheat turned out perfect( but the computer ate the pic :(  ) . This one is a mix of AP, whole wheat and rye.I also used steelcut oats instead of rolled ones. Both make nice sandwich loaves.

Bread Head's picture

Advice with temperature changes for Tartine bread.......under or over ferment?

February 2, 2015 - 9:28am -- Bread Head

I have been making successful loaves with this method;

800g 365 Organic All Purpose flour

200g Fresh ground Hard Red Spring Wheat

780g water

300g Levain

Kitchen is around 66º F during the day. I would bulk ferment for about 7 to 8 hours with S&F the whole time. Proof would be 3 to 4 hours.  Then bake in combo cookers.  The loaves were turning out beautiful.

paul0130's picture

Sourdough cornbread

January 29, 2015 - 7:38am -- paul0130

So I found a pretty cool recipe online that I want to try out, but I'm a little confused as to what type of cornmeal to use:

I like this recipe because its simple, it incorporates an overnight fermentation, and it lets me cook it in my cast iron skillet which is always a good thing.


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