The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Paddyscake's picture


Not an important question, but I was wondering why when checking to see if
a loaf is done, we rap the bottom of the loaf as opposed to the top, for
the hollow sound? I have done both and can't discern any difference.

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

I've noticed that too. One time I left a loaf pan in the oven after the oven had gone off. The bottom was too steamed to rap and so I rapped the top. (Too late anyway, wonder why I did it?) Maybe the sound is better on the bottom. Or as you pick it up a with a dishtowel the bottom is exposed and therefore the first to get knocked on. Could it be an old ritual? We knock on boats too, to check for soundness. Knock on wood? Knock for luck? But if it doesn't sound hollow, stick it back in the oven, fast!
"May the knock be with you." :) Mini Oven

Paddyscake's picture

You are way too funny!

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

We don't knock on muffins..... :) Mini Oven

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

Muffin but bread in the oven!     Mini Oven

qahtan's picture

I think the reason for knocking on the bottom of the loaf to see if it sounds hollow,(fully baked) is because you are holding the top part in your other hand.
