The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


MNBäcker's picture

Bench Res Covers?

November 29, 2012 - 1:27pm -- MNBäcker

Hi, All.

Quick question: what do you use when you need to let your dough rest on the bench for a while? I've used floursack towels, but don't like how they dry out the dough. I will scale and round my loaves, then let them rest for 10-20 minutes. During that time, it would really be best if they're covered, but I don't want to have to deal with plastic sheets (they'd have to be food-safe, anyway).

Is there a better fabric available that would keep the dough moist, not stick and be easy to handle and store?

Thanks in advance,


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