The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Any type of bread that doesn't fall into the other buckets: herb breads, sandwich breads, fruit and nut breads, anything else you enjoy.

kolobezka's picture

Better oven-spring?

January 19, 2010 - 4:00am -- kolobezka


I would like to ask for help some more experienced bakers. I started baking bread in the oven only 2 months ago and the results are inconsistent.

One of my problems is the oven spring - especially with high hydration doughs. For example the bread bellow was about 65% hydration but when I added minced garlic (request form my husband :-) the dough got much wetter.

cognitivefun's picture

Banh Mi bread?

January 18, 2010 - 5:37pm -- cognitivefun

Do you have a recipe and have you ever made banh mi bread?

I believe it's half rice flour and half wheat flour but beyond that I haven't found a recipe that people say is really a good one.

Love the banh mi sandwiches very much and want to make some.



aturco's picture

Crust/Film forming on No-Knead Dough

January 18, 2010 - 10:35am -- aturco

Happy 2010 all...

I am back to making bread again in the colder months. I like making the no-Knead bread, its quick and easy. However lately, when I let it sit overnight the top of it forms a hard crust, I dont remember this forming when I made it last year. I am using GM all purpose flour, I put it in the over w/ the light on covered either with plastic or a dish towel.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



bobkay1022's picture

Ciabatta Bread

January 18, 2010 - 6:14am -- bobkay1022

Good Morning,

   Having had good luck with Jasons Ciabatta I wanted to go one step further.  I tried Peter Reinhart Pooklish version on Page 136. I used a scale for every thing. My poolish was 3 days old and looked perfect.

After mixing as instructed every thing exxcept the poolish I then added my poolish. From the start i could see I was in deep what ever. It was so dry. I added about 4 more  ounces of water and it was still very dry. 

NoCashBaker's picture

Rich Saffron Buns

January 15, 2010 - 10:34am -- NoCashBaker

So, I finally made those saffron buns that I mentioned in my intro post a few weeks ago.  (Ok, so I made the buns a couple weeks ago, but hadn't gotten around to posting the pics!)  But here they are.  I should mention that I deviated somewhat from the Saffron Bun recipe that I initially saw here on TFL.  Mine ended up more like a Saffron poor man's brioche.  So I guess you could say I took the TFL recipe as an inspiration, mainly.

Proofed Saffron Buns


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