The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

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Vince920's picture

Can't sleep, thinking about breadmaking

May 6, 2017 - 10:23am -- Vince920

Okay, this is really weird, but I can't sleep and I keep on daydreaming (at 01:00 lol) about breadmaking for some reason...

I see myself in a small business failing to sell anything, because all of my bread is over $1. It felt somewhat like a nightmare.

Such a weird thought, but it did help me realize that being an artisan breadmaker and owning a bakery is a lot more absurd that what I already thought. I might just end up like every other bakery in every corner selling ¢5-10 varied sweet rolls and pan de sal.

Our Crumb's picture

Pope Francis on Bread

April 27, 2017 - 12:02pm -- Our Crumb

"Hope is the door that opens onto the future. Hope is a humble, hidden seed of life that, with time, will develop into a large tree. It is like some invisible yeast that allows the whole dough to grow, that brings flavor to all aspects of life."

-Pope Francis in his recent TED talk

I hear his bakes have a wonderfully open crumb.  They don't call him His Holiness for nothing.


Dixongexpat's picture

Cleanup on Aisle 1...

April 7, 2017 - 5:50pm -- Dixongexpat

Wow. What an utter clusterf*ck of a session *that* was in the kitchen.

So I took a recipe from the Healthy Bread in Five Minutes book. Whole Grain Rye bread. Easy peasy.

I intended to add sourdough starter, so I put everything in a spreadsheet and did some calculations. I added 250g of 100% hydration starter so I removed 125g of flour and 125g of water.

Mixed it all up, let it rise. And it rose!

Dixongexpat's picture

Support your local miller

April 7, 2017 - 2:52pm -- Dixongexpat

We visited the Barton Springs Mill near Austin last weekend. It was really fun!

The owner, James, is amazingly knowledgeable. He has contracted with several farmers in the area to grow specific wheats, all organic. He then wholesales this to area bakeries and breweries. Hundreds of tons of grain moving in and out. When I explained that I was just getting started he gave me tip after tip and we talked shop a bit. The bread available there was delicious, and he told me that they have a hands-on baking class in June using their test kitchen and commercial oven! I'm in!

Estellaa's picture

Healthy recipe

March 5, 2017 - 11:11pm -- Estellaa

Hey all,

Here is a healthy recipe for a salad which includes strawberry and spinach. The combination of spinach and strawberry will provide us a lot of nutritious and almost 25 vitamins. It will also make our tummy full and thereby we can reduce our weight.




1. Fresh spinach: 1 large bunch

2. Strawberries: 1 cup (sliced)

3. Slivered almonds: 1/2 cup, toasted



4. Honey: 3 tbsp

5. Poppy seeds: 1 tbsp

kygin's picture

Photo FAQs

February 9, 2017 - 2:54am -- kygin

Just mentioning that the Photo FAQs page needs to be updated.  Picasa is listed at the bottom for photo editing use.  Google has discontinued Picasa, so it is no longer available for download.


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