The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


A forum for bread baking challenges.

Outdoor720's picture

rising problems

January 17, 2024 - 5:15am -- Outdoor720

So my starter is very active, consistently doubles with lots of bubbles and passes the float test.

I preshaped my dough, let it bulk ferment until it passed the poke test `1.5-2 hrs.

keep the temps of the dough as close to 78F the whole process

shaped well with good tension

put in banneton overnight in fridge

took out in morning and the actually deflated a bit.

Baked and they did not rise very much at all

this is a lot harder than it seems.  Not sure what i'm doing wrong.

Warm Melons's picture

Gluten Deterioration During Bulk Using New Flours

January 8, 2024 - 9:40am -- Warm Melons


I am currently having a recurring issue with my dough when I introduce a new flour into my arsenal. My normal daily driver is Shipton Mills Organic White No.4 and my loaves come out really well when this is the vast majority of the flour used (60%+). I can’t get anywhere near the hydration that say Tartine use—I max out at around 79% but I’ve put that down to the flour I’ve chosen, as I only wish to use Organic and english wheat seems to be softer from what I’ve read.

jmatik's picture

Crust splitting a lot

November 5, 2023 - 8:36am -- jmatik

I follow a pretty simple recipe, and it tastes great, the interior is always really nice. But I get tons of splitting as I hope you can see in the picture.

the recipe is:

1000 g of flour (500 normal AP, 500 bread flour)

700g of water

150 g starter

19 g salt

I've adjusted my stretch and fold routine many times but found nothing has made a difference in the crust. I've tried spraying the loaf right before it goes in the oven with a couple spritzes of water which hasn't made much difference either.

Any ideas and or help would be amazing! 

pmccool's picture

Community Bake - Infinity Bread

November 1, 2023 - 8:58am -- pmccool

The "Infinity Bread" Community Bake


For those who wish to limit or disengage from the flood of email notifications associated with long threads such as these CBs produce, Dan Ayo had written up how to do so

pmccool's picture

Is it time for a new community bake?

October 27, 2023 - 12:30pm -- pmccool

It's been a while since the last one.  And I've been kicking around the idea for a bread.  More accurately, a bread template.

The template I've been mulling over would look something like this:

30% bread or AP or plain flour

30% whole wheat flour

30% non-wheat flour(s) - baker's choice

10% seeds and/or cracked/chopped/flaked grains - baker's choice

1.5-2% salt

60-80% liquid (water/milk/beer/whatever) - baker's choice

baker's yeast or levain for leavening - baker's choice

HappyInFL's picture

Dense on the Bottom

October 8, 2023 - 5:00am -- HappyInFL

All my sandwich breads form a 1/4" dense bottom that is not part of the crust. I use KA bread flour, SAF yeast, distilled water with a 64% hydration rate, a well preheated baking stone with an oven temp of 400F with steam and get great oven spring. It gets denser through time and we store it with the sliced side down. The bread itself is fluffy.




The Roadside Pie King's picture

Today I go off the reservation, into uncharted territory

October 3, 2023 - 5:50am -- The Roadside Pi...

For today's performance, I get an early morning start. I will endeavor to create a pan de Cristal using 100% durum wheat flour. The formula is supplied by Martin Philipe at King Arthur flour.

I know my pompous posts could be irritating. That being said, I am just having fun guys. Photo of yesterday's bake strictly for attention. 


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