The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Whole Grains

Whole grain and multi-grain breads

Cher504's picture

Bio-Kinetics sprouted flours?

October 6, 2014 - 6:34am -- Cher504

Hi all, 

I'm relatively new to TFL - only been baking breads for a few months (though I've lots of experience baking cakes and sweets). Has anyone here tried Bio- Kinetics sprouted flours?

My neighborhood store recently started carrying this line of products and I'm curious if the sprouted wheat or barley flour would be the same as using barley malt?  

Weatherwax's picture

Ergot in my rye . . .

September 25, 2014 - 9:28am -- Weatherwax


I'm new here, and I've got a basic safety question that I'm having trouble answering.  I've just opened a bag of rye berries from an organic grower in Canada.  It's the second bag I've ordered from them; they replaced the first bag because it had ergot in it. The ergoty berries were large, dark and purple--hard to miss. There were also a lot of foreign seeds. The company tested my returned bag, confirmed the presence of ergot, and said they had had a problem with their sorter. They sent me a second bag as a replacement.

bikeprof's picture

more of Rene's Rye

September 24, 2014 - 1:22pm -- bikeprof

Thanks to PiPs for the extra nudge/inspiration in taking on the Danish rye project. see: 

I've been wanting to do this for some time, and mesmerized by the photos in Tartine 3 of these seeded breads.  I chose to (mostly) follow the recipe for Rene's Rye out of Tartine 3, except I used WW instead of spelt flour (and in equal proportion to the whole rye flour I used).

ghazi's picture

100% Whole Spelt

September 12, 2014 - 5:47am -- ghazi

Finally figured out what I was doing wrong with this grain. No more stretch and folds instead slap and folds with a good autolyse is what is expected

I really like the higher hydration, it works great. Keeps longer too

Thank you Dabrownman

Next time I will try a full 24hrs fridge autolyse @ 50% hydration


400g wholespelt

310g water

8g salt

60g Spelt starter 50%

ghazi's picture

Whole Spelt Autolyse

September 10, 2014 - 6:29am -- ghazi

Can anybody give me some advice on how long to autolyse whole spelt for. In the past I have just gone ahead and mixed without any autolyse with good results, now that I taste breads that have an autolyse I cannot go back to not doing one

The method I use is autolyse at 50% for 1 day in the fridge.

400g wholespelt

290g water

60g spelt starter 50% hydration

8g salt

Add starter, salt and water to dough and leave to soak until most of water is absorbed. Bring together and knead briefly to incorporate

Raisins's picture

Rotating loaves in the oven

September 10, 2014 - 6:09am -- Raisins

I have a new oven that I'm still getting used to. I use a Peter Reinhart recipe that calls for turning the bread pans 180 degrees half way through the baking time.  This worked fine in my old oven, but the new one seems to lose a LOT of heat during the turning process, causing the bread to fall in the center. How important is turning the pans? Can I just ignore that instruction?

Thanks for any advice.


108 breads's picture

Spelt bread correction

August 22, 2014 - 5:49am -- 108 breads

I made an old bread just last week and discovered, actually horrified, that I had left out a key step when I posted the recipe. This is bread #34, a 100 percent spelt. I remade the bread just days later, adding the suspected missed step. Confirmed. You really do need the last stretch and fold before baking and the final rise. Lovely oven spring and compliments from the co-workers who ate it.


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