The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


JConstante's picture

Looking for a multi-purpose mixer

May 28, 2023 - 3:49pm -- JConstante

Hello bakers!

I have been looking for a mixer that allows me to be able to make cookies, cakes and, more importantly, develop gluten for viennoiserie ( probably one that has a hook, paddle beater and whisker attachment). To be honest, my budget is $1500. I know sounds a bit difficult but If you were on my shoes, which one would you buy?

Thanks in advance, all advices are much appreciated it!

Happy baking



squattercity's picture

Supermarket Rye in the Basque Country

May 26, 2023 - 1:28pm -- squattercity

I'm planning a four or five hour hike tomorrow morning and this evening, not finding a bakery open, I went into the LIDL supermarket in Arrasate and bought the only bread (they bake them there) still on the shelves at 9:30 pm. It's billed as pan de centeno (no Basque name given, though google translate suggests zekale-ogia) -- 67% rye, according to the store's description (though it didn't say whether whole or medium or light).

Uplander's picture

My machine loaf is dense in the middle

May 20, 2023 - 10:55pm -- Uplander

I am using a Panasonic SD-B2510 - their entry level bread maker - and largely I am pleased with the results.  However, I get a dense area in the centre of the loaf that no amount of experimentation seems to alleviate.

I use the same recipe that I originally got from Doves Flour - this is as follows:

1 teaspoon yeast

250g Wholemeal bread flour

250g White bread flour

360ml water @ 38º

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sugar

1 tablespoon oil

amax's picture

3 years later, is it sourdough?

May 15, 2023 - 4:16pm -- amax

In 2020 yeast was hard to get so I pinched off a bit of some dough and kept it going, a starter if you will, and have used it weekly ever since.

The yeast was a fresh cube that is the popular kind here in Sweden, not dried.

After having read quite a bit on the subject, I can still say I don't have a clear answer.  It would seem that the strain does change with time and accommodates its environment.  So I am guessing that the the strain I have now is substantially different than what I started with.

skinny's picture


May 7, 2023 - 7:07pm -- skinny

Hi, I feel I have a couple of great loaf recipes, which I would like to make from home for local business to sell on my behalf.   I am unsure how to wrap them for sale.  Could glad wrap be a suitable choice or do you have any other suggestions/ How long do you think they could stay fresh sitting on the counter top at a business when wrapped using one of your suggested methods?


Thank you so much! I can't wait to start my small business. 

CaraC's picture

Question about induction ranges for baking sourdough

May 6, 2023 - 1:19pm -- CaraC

Hello, this is my first post so I hope I put it in the right forum.

We are remodeling our kitchen and I am interested in switching from a gas oven to an induction(electric) oven. Some models have the heat source at the back of the oven (LG with Probake is the brand) and others use the heat source at the bottom which is more traditional. I use my dutch ovens when making sourdough and so they are still fully covered until the last 20 min while  they brown.


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