The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

First time baker and quick question!

Levin bred's picture
Levin bred

First time baker and quick question!

And hello, by the way.

I decided that I don't want HFCS in my bread anymore, and I like cooking so I figured I'd give bread making a shot.

I'm just going to start with loaves because my wife and I like to eat sandwiches.  Simple question:  about how much dough by weight goes into a standard 8.5" loaf pan?  I've read a bit on this site so far and I don't know if I haven't seen it or if that piece of knowledge is SO common that people don't bother to mention it.  Is there a general rule of thumb like ~1lb=1 loaf pan?  Thanks in advance for your input and advice.  I'm happy to have found you.


Side notes:  I do know how to spell.  Tolstoy is one of my favorite authors and a literary inspiration, and I recently read Anna Karenina, so I figured "Levin bred" would be a good name.

I also used to make fresh pizza dough for a local pizza joint, so I hope to get the hang of this artisan stuff in short order!

OldWoodenSpoon's picture

The range of 680 - 750 grams works well for me.  I also have some 9 x 5 pans that I usually go about 850 grams with.  For me it depends on the dough.  Very active doughs will tend to the lighter end of the scale, and more active (eager risers) tend to the heavier end.  YOu should be able to find a sweet spot for yourself afte a couple of bakes.

Oh, and welcome by the way. <grin>

DavidEF's picture

The problem with calculating for bread pans is that they are not really standard in their shape and size. But for mine, I use 750g in my 8.5" x 4.5" and 900g in my 9.25" x 5.0" loaf pans. But, you didn't say how tall your loaf pan is. That will make a difference as well, obviously. I have another 8.5" x 4.5" loaf pan that takes less dough, because it isn't as deep as the others.

Levin bred's picture
Levin bred

Awesome.  Thanks!