The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Bouchon Bakery - Brioche / Nanterre

MANNA's picture

Bouchon Bakery - Brioche / Nanterre

Tried out the one of the brioche recipes. Followed the mixing instructions. Came out great. I like that you retard it overnight in the fridge. Warm brioche for breakfast with coffee and jam, wonderful. I baked it at 325 w/convection.


Mebake's picture

Lovely Manna! care to show us a slice/a shred?


MANNA's picture

Sure thing.

dabrownman's picture

You really nailed that one!  Nice brioche.

varda's picture

Manna,   What book are you baking from?   Love this brioche.   I would like some with MY coffee please.  Is this a one person challenge?   I haven't seen anyone else posting on it.  -Varda

MANNA's picture

Iam attempting to bake the Bouchon Bakery book released this past Oct. I received it for christmas and the pics are wonderful. I thought lets see how good the recipes are. So far its just been me doing the baking. If anyone wants to join in feel free. I will be sending my packet from the baugette class to you today watch your email.