The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Napraforgókenyér (hungarian language)

dorothy62's picture

Napraforgókenyér (hungarian language)



66 dkg liszt

10 dkg rétesliszt

350 ml tej

125 ml étolaj

1 zacskó szárított élesztő+2 dkg élesztő kelesztve

2 tojás felverve

1 evőkanál cukor

1 evőkanál őrölt kömény

2,5 dkg só

Az összeállításhoz:

5dkg olvasztott vaj, szezámmag, lenmag

Összegyúrjuk, az olajat a végén tesszük bele,  25 percig kelesztjük. A sütőt begyújtjuk és 160 cfokra állítjuk.

A tésztát kétfelé vesszük és az első feléből 5 db 22 cm átmérőjű körlapot nyújtunk. Egyenesen a tepsibe tesszük, a lapokat egymásra helyezés közben megkenjük olvasztott vajjal, (ecsettel). Középről indulva nyolc felé vágjuk pizzavágóval, úgy, hogy a szélénél egy cm mélységig egyben hagyjuk és a szeleteket kihajtjuk a tészta szélére.

A második fél tésztának a negyedét levágjuk,ez lesz a buci a virág közepén, a maradékot 5 felé vágjuk, nyújtjuk ,14 cm átmérőjű lapokra és amikor egyberaktuk beletesszük a tepsibe a kör közepére. Úgy vágjuk be, hogy a szirmok a külső szirmok közé essenek, majd beletesszük a bucit  közepére.

Tej-tojás keverékkel megkenjük, szárítjuk-kelesztjük, újrakenjük és megszórjuk szezámmaggal, lenmaggal. Betesszük a meleg sütőbe, 15 -20 perc múlva kicsit feljebb vesszük a lángot, hogy szépen megpiruljon a teteje.



How to make:     



arlo's picture

Though I must say, I have no idea what is exactly stated in your post, I do know that bread is something else! Wonderful work!

dorothy62's picture

Nagyon köszönöm, nem is reméltem, hogy valaki megnézi ezt a receptet, itt mindenki annyira szép dolgokat készít, boldog vagyok.

carnub's picture

Thank you very much, I didn't even hope that someone would look at the recipe, here everyone creates such beautiful things, I'm happy.

dorothy62's picture
rhomp2002's picture

Not perfect but at least gives an idea.  Maybe someone who is a better baker can format this and maybe guess at what the couple of untranslated words might be:

Napraforgókenyér (English language) Ingredients: 66 g flour 10 g rétesliszt 350 ml milk 125 ml cooking oil 1 bag of dried yeast +2 g kelesztve yeast felverve 1 egg 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon ground cumin 2.5 g of the composition of salt: 5dkg melted butter, sesame, linseed, pucker, the oil in the end we do it, let it rise for 25 minutes. The oven is collected and 160 cfokra contends. The dough into two and taken the first half of disc 5 cm in diameter, 22 pcs to our customers. Straight from the pie-pan, into each other when the sheets and brush with melted butter (with a brush). Pizzavágóval cut toward the center, starting eight, so that the edges of a depth of one cm slices and let the dough edge junction. The second half of the quarter cut pasta, it will be a bun in the middle of flower, 5 to cut the residue, providing, 14 cm in diameter and plates when put into the pie-pan egyberaktuk center of the circle. It is cut so that the petals are the outer petals fall, and then put it into the middle of the bun. Milk and egg mixture and brush, dried, let it rise, and sprinkle újrakenjük szezámmaggal, lenmaggal. Put in hot oven 15 -20 minutes before we take up the heat a bit to much megpiruljon the top. More: How to make aluaturi-sarate/paine-floarea-soarelui /


dorothy62's picture

rétesliszt=pastry flour

1 bag dried yeast= 11 g  dried yeast

2 dkg kelesztve yeast=2 dkg yeast raised


pizzavágóval=pizzawith cutting

egyberakunk=and when laid we put it into the baking sheet in the middle of the circle.

újrakenjük=against brush

megpiruljon =that nicely redden his roof


Good luck!


carnub's picture

OK, here's my effort, hopefully it's better than the Google one!


Sunflower bread


660g plain flour (BL55)

100g pastry flour (BL80) - [rétes is like strudel: same flour]

350ml milk

125ml cooking oil (normally sunflower in Hungary)

1 bag of dried yeast + 20g fresh yeast (direct translation is "raised yeast" available in 50g cubes in all Hungarian food stores)

2 eggs beaten

1 tablespoon sugar (most likely white granulated)

1 tablespoon ground cumin

25g salt

For the "composition". (I guess the topping)

50g melted butter

sesame seeds



Knead, oil goes in at the end, let it rise for 25 minutes. Turn the oven on at 160 degrees (Celcius)


Split the dough in 2. From one half, split into 5 and roll 22cm diameter discs. Put into the tray and brush with the melted butter. From the middle out, cut into 8 leaving 1cm at the edge [here the translator is struggling!] Fold the cut pieces out [I think the photo helps!]

With the second half of the dough, cut off a quarter, this will be the bun in the middle of the flower. Cut the remaining dough into 5 pieces. Stretch out to 14cm diameter discs and when you've put them together  put them into the middle of the circle. They are cut so that the petals are placed between the outer petals [hopefully the picture is becoming clearer now]. Add the bun in the middle at the end.

Paint with the milk/egg mixture, leave to dry and rise. Paint again and sprinkle with the sesame seeds and linseeds. Put in the warm oven. After 15-20 minutes turn up the heat [they say flame - gas ovens are widely used in Hungary] so that the top is nicely browned.

I never thought my first post to this forum would be so exciting!

Nagyon szép dorothy62!

zoltan szabo's picture
zoltan szabo

Kedves Dorothy62 / Dear Dorothy62


Nagyon Szep munka, gratulalok, Very beautiful work, Congratulations!

Boldog Sutogetest! /Happy Baking

Udvozlet / Best Regards
