Tweaking Lesson One
Hi everybody,
I've been reading a lot on this site and doing quite a few experiments, but my favorite recipe of all to tinker with is lesson one.
This week I doulbed it, and did an overnight preferment, making sure it was very wet. Then I reduced the yeast to 2tsp active dry for 6cups flour (should have made it even less I think) and let it have a nice long rize. Doing a french fold and 2 or 3 regular folds because the dough was really wet, though I don't think it was as wet as I usually like to make them.
Poped into oven just barley preheated (maybe 5 mins) sprayed with bottle and used a water pan. Reduced heat from 475 to 425 F for 30 mins and came out with what you see below.
Its a work in progress but I definilty think this recipe is a great one to play with. Sometimes I add a 1/4 cup rye for added flavor.
Its great fun learning new techniques and all of you are so helpful.
Looks really good. Nice open crumb.