January 8, 2012 - 6:18am
Looking for flour expertise in China
I am located in China and currently use "Lam Soon" flour from Hong Kong, such us Golden Statue.
I need your expertise in comparison of different types of bread flour from this company. I want to find an optimal flour blend for baguette.
Thank you for your time.
I'm also located in China. I've been using Lam Soon Bread Flour with success in many breads but just not on baguette. It always turns out too chewy.
For baguette - I've tried mixing 50% Gold Medal Bread + 50% Gold Medal Plain. perhaps you can try. I'm still trying to find the right flour for baguettes too. Just bought Francine (French flour with 9.8% protein) in Cityshop. Going to try that soon. will keep you posted on this.
Hi Jenny, ( may I call you Jenny ? )
Gold Medal and French flour are quite expensive for me. I buy Golden Statue brand , Whole wheat and Mei Mei ( cake Flour ) for a good price. I buy a few large bags at a time.
Tomorrw I will try 50 % bread flour + 15 % w.w. + 35 % Mei Mei flour. Bread flour is about 14 % gluten ( I think ) cake flour is 8.2 % gluten and I put 15 % sifted whole wheat for balance and water absorption. Fingers crossed.
Hi Axel, let me know how it works out. I have not tried Mei Mei flour yet. if its good, will buy a sack of it.
yeah - gold medal is really expensive. only limited to certain breads that I make now. I actually buy whole sack of golden statute - 22.5kg. use it within 6 months, got a good price from my friendly local grocer. just did a ciabatta yesterday using golden statute and it turns out really well.
all the best and happy baking!