Bagels! bagels bagels bagels.
Hello All,
So I made the bagels from the Bread Bakers Apprentice. Towards the end of the recipe it tells you that if you like a chewier bagel than you should boil them for two minutes per side, otherwise, boil them for one minute per side. My boyfriend and I decided that we would boil one tray for one minute, and the other for two. In my opinion boiling them for one minute created a better bagel. Now there are a few things that I noticed. The two minute bagels became more crisp on the bottom than the one minute bagels. Also, the bagels were kind of deflated when I took them out of the fridge, and even more so after I boiled them. Does anyone have any insight into why this happened and how to prevent it?? Any help, as usual, would be greatly appreciated!
Here are the bagels. Overall I was too excited to be eating my own, homemade, fresh out of the oven bagels, to be concerned with much of anything. :)
These are the bagels getting themselves prepped to be boiled.
I don't actually own a cooling rack that fits more than two bagels, so I improvised with my dish drainer, ha worked out pretty well.
This was the bottom from the two minute bagel batch. The one minute bagel batch didn't achieve nearly the same coloring.
Thanks for reading!
I would suggest putting them in the fridge earlier. I know that recipe quite well. In warmer temperatures when I followed his steps (20 minutes after shaping put in the fridge is what he instructs, if I'm not mistaken), they came out flatter. I would say right after shaping (in warm weather or a warm kitchen), put them in the fridge.
I switched up some of the ferment and proofing techniques. I did the autolyse in the fridge overnight and then the ferment and proofing out of the fridge. I had a problem with the bagels not rising as well with a retarded proof. Switching to this other method I had a great tasting bagel that rose well.
What is an autolyse?
Lesson 5, No, 8:
Autolyse: (pronounced ah-toh-leez) Yeasted recipes - A short rest called an autolyse comes right after mixing the flour, yeast, oil, and water. It cuts down on your kneading time and allow the dough to bake into a lighter bread with a more open crumb. Here's how an autolyse works. It allows the flour time to fully absorb the water, so the dough is less sticky when you knead it; It helps the gluten to both bond and break down, resulting in a dough that's quicker to knead and easier to shape; It gives the yeast time to rehydrate fully so you don't end up with yeast bits in the dough. You'll notice in the recipe that the salt goes in after the autolyse. This is because salt causes gluten to contract and toughen, preventing the gluten from absorbing as much water and thus fully benefiting from the autolyse."
Good day Murphy...For the first time, dont beat yourself up too bad, you did pretty good. I was wondering, did you have parchment on your baking pan when you popped them into the oven? I use the same recipe you are using and I'm doing a couple dozen per weekend for a while now. My bagels really dont have any rise to speak of until they boil. Once the dough is kneaded, I go right into cutting and making balls. I do follow the 20min rest followed by shaping, then another 20 then into the cold storage. And when I'm shaping if there was any rise it would be gone by the time Im done shaping. But I place my bagels on parchment on a half sheet pan, cover tightly with plastic wrap, then when they come out of cold storage overnight the seams from my shaping are gone and I put them right into the boil. I do 2 minutes each side, boiling 5-6 at a time (big alum. stock pot). Then put them on a new sheet of parchment on a half sheet pan and into the oven 500'f for 5 min. rotate pan 180 then I do another 4 minutes at 500. I do not change my oven temp, because I'm usually trying to time boiling the next batch so they are done and ready to go in oven when first comes out. Im interested as to why yours are deflating and browning if you are using parchment. If your not I would suggest it. If you are I might suggest a little cornmeal on the parchment under the bagels to help lift them a bit, and they add a little to the looks. I stopped using meal a while ago though (just cause Im lazy, not for taste reasons). Good luck, sorry I was so long winded.
TT, where have you been? Not that it matters, welcome back! Look forward to hearing what you are baking these days, A.