This is me, happy as a clam, after getting a new camera. I never thought I'd be so happy about a digital camera in all my life. Food blogging, which is what I've started doing, is so much simpler with a digital camera. As much as I was loathe to finally take the plunge again after about 5 years, I'm kinda glad I did. (APUG people, feel free to roll over in your graves and such.)
On to today's bake. Some people here do artisan breads. Others do quickbreads. I'm doing sandwich. A lot. Never underestimate the needs of a hungry pseudo-hubby.
I started this with 2 cups of whole wheat flour plus 1 cup of room temperature distilled water. It sat on my kitchen table for two hours, waiting for me to get ready to do the bread. We were doing dishes at the time. When it was time, I proofed the yeast with a little less than 1/4 cup honey and 1/2 cup warm milk. Into the soaker it went, and a mixed the hell out of it. When a paste finally formed, I added enough bread flour to make it a pretty sticky dough. I would think that it was no more than 3.25 cups of flour total in the recipe. What came out of the oven smells heavenly and looks quite delicious.
This is not my best looking loaf. I generally get more oven spring than that, and I think it was due to a slight overproofing. We'll see about the crumb when it's cool enough to cut. :)
I think whole grain pan breads are the hardest to guess at being done. Pulling them out of the pan to check the bottom is cumbersome but it does work. I'll admit to using a temperature probe on a cable now and then to keep track of a new bread recipe.
Sorry it was gummy but you must have just been a minute or 2 off. Looks great anyway and your new camera is terrific!
What internal temperature do you normally cook your whole wheat sandwich breads to?
Is this white ww flour?