Last night, I made a walnut raisin with the following ingredients;
- 1% instant yeast
- 1.5% salt
- 60% milk (1% is all I had)
- 12 % sugar (1/2 white / 1/2 brown).
- 6% lard
- And of course perhaps a half cup soaked raisins and walnuts.
.... Now, the bread tastes great, but the crust, for a picky person like myself, you can taste the carmalized sugar, almost a burnt flavor in the crust.. Is there anyway to minimize this?
I started baking at 425, turned down to 375 after ~10 minutes, then until center was 185. Should I bake at a lower temp?
Have you tried covering the loaf with an aluminum foil tent? I know I do that if a loafs' crust is browning a little quicker than the inside is cooking. Perhaps that would stop or slow down the carmalization of the crust and prevent the burning flavor your taste buds are picking up.
Hope that helps.