VRini's blog

This Morning's Bake (5/30/20)

Profile picture for user VRini

Hello all. This morning I baked guided by Maurizio Leo's Spelt, Rye and Whole Wheat Sourdough recipe, a 50 percent whole grain formula.

I've recently landed here at TFL on a quest to bake a bread made of one half or more home-milled grain that I really like - that I can't help but grind,  mix, rise, shape and bake over and over again. The whole grain in this bake is home-milled, made of organic spelt, rye and Yocora Rojo hard red spring wheat all sourced from Breadtopia.

This Morning's Bake

Profile picture for user VRini

Maurizio Leo's "Best" Sourdough Recipe which I'm trying to move away from in favor of SD from fresh milled grain. Oven Spring:

Oven Spring

Final Product:

Final Product

Got a little distracted and over did it. I like the crumb though: