The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Desiring a stronger flavored starter

Bob Marley's picture
Bob Marley

Desiring a stronger flavored starter

I'm creating a sourdough starter as shown in Maggie Glezers book.  The daily feeding consists of:

  1. 60g starter
  2. 45g water
  3. 90g bread flour

I've been doing this feed for four days and would like to substitute about 15g of rye flour for 15g of bread flour in the feed as I've read that using rye in the starter will produce a sourdough that's stronger in sourdough flavor.

Comments, please

pmccool's picture

Whole rye flour is a good thing for a sourdough starter. 

As for flavor, temperatures and feeding patterns have a greater effect on the sourness than do flour types.  Still, whole grain flours have the ability to carry more acid than their white equivalents.

Use the search tool to look up pineapple juice solution. Read both parts, as they give some solid background on what goes on in a starter.


PetraR's picture

Hmmm, I have both, a Rye Starter and a Wheat  Starter.

I find that the Wheat Starter gives my bread a more Sour taste than the Rye Starter.

Also the lenght of Bulk fermantation will influence the Sour taste as well as how often you feed your starter.


Ford's picture

If you want more acid in your sourdough bread, retard the dough in the refrigerator for a few days.  The lactobacilli are more active than the yeast at the lower temperatures and the dough becomes more sour.

Bread flour is not necessary for feeding the starter -- the organisms feed on the starch not the protein.


Bob Marley's picture
Bob Marley

All good to know:

  1. A retard
  2. Slightly acidify the water
  3. AP instead of Bread Flour in the feed.

I sometimes substitute <1/4 tsp of either white vinegar or pineapple juice for an equivalent amount of water when doing the daily feed.

Bob Marley's picture
Bob Marley

After a week and a half, and now after having been feed a few hours ago, I can clearly see that feeding intervals will be reduced either to twelve or eighteen hour intervals.

THANKS ALL!!!!!!!!!!      8^D