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Macaroon Help

alabubba's picture

Macaroon Help

I have made a couple batches of macaroons and while they taste delish, they are wrinkled. They come out of the oven smooth and wrinkle as they cool.

Anyone have a clue? Tried a couple different recipes, one used a 275f oven for 25-30 min, the other was 350f for 15-18 min.

Franko's picture

If I remember correctly ... the technique I've seen is to take a folded, slightly dampened towel stretched between both hands and tamp it lightly over the lines of macaroons on your sheet pan just before putting them in the oven. The moisture and pressure work to smooth out the surface tension of the meringue.


Elagins's picture

hi Alan,

I don't know whether these are almond or cocounut, but I'll guess almond because of their smooth texture.  Try baking them for 10-15 minutes at 375f/175c, until the plain ones just start to brown, then cool them thoroughly and immediately store them in an airtight container to retard staling (which they do in a heartbeat).  your wrinkling probably comes from overbaking the inside:  when the macaroons cool down, the steam condenses, and because you've lost so much water during that longer baking, the condensation is far greater than it should be, causing the roons to collapse.

Stan Ginsberg

RobynNZ's picture

Hi Alan

The chocolate ones look very sinful and you have the 'holy grail' well sorted (ie great feet!).

Stan's suggestion sounds good to me. 

Helen of the Tarlette blog provides useful guidance in this tutorial article:

and a couple of links from her blog (there's many more versions to inspire you on her site):

What are you doing with the yolks?

Cheers, Robyn

alabubba's picture

Setting in my fridge, Any suggestions????


RobynNZ's picture

Macaron obsession comes with extra yolks!

From now on I suggest you freeze them. I put them individually into an icetray and once frozen move them to a bag removing air as I seal. I have heard it is better to add a teaspoon of salt/500ml if the final destination will be savoury or a tablespoon of sugar/500ml if they'll end out in sweet items. I haven't had any problem with my freeflow method, although the texture is a bit odd on thawing. This way they can be used up one at a time gradually mixing them with regular eggs. 

For the ones you've already got, off the top of my head: lemon curd, lemon bars, lemon tart, mayonnaise, hollandaise, chocolate mousse, icecream (David L will help with these two too!), Spanish flan or crème brûlée, Greek avogolemono soup, in stir fry, sourdough pancakes..... I could go on and on but hope that prompts a few ideas of your own.

Cheers, Robyn

alabubba's picture

Thanks Robyn, I used a couple up in breakfast, Chorizo and eggs over ice cold lettuce! Sounds weird but is delish.

Maybe some Brioche in my future?
