The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Muscovite Rye/Podmoskovny Rye (Russia)

CalBeachBaker's picture

Muscovite Rye/Podmoskovny Rye (Russia)

Today's bake:  Muscovite Rye/Podmoskovny Rye (Russia)

Source:  by Stanley Ginsberg


  • TDW increased from .811  kg to 1.420 kg.
  • Hydration increased from 68.59% to 73.23% due to using fresh milled flour.
  • Pan size increased from 9″x4″x4″/23x10x10 cm to 15.75"x4"x4"/40x10.16x10.16cm

Substitutions: Organic Rye-Flour-80% Extract-Medium for Russian medium obdirnaya,  rye.

Discussion:  A nice rye bread from Stanley's website. This turned out to be a really easy 1- day bread to make. I'm going to quote Stanley here for the bread's description because it says it all.

"It’s a beautiful bread, with a thin crust, an open crumb – thanks to gentle handling on the bench and a full 25 minutes of steam – and a flavor profile that features the nutty sweetness of the rye, complemented by a clean, delicate sour finish.

I’ve had this bread with everything from unsalted butter and roasted turkey breast to well-aged Stilton cheese and soppressata, and it was a great accompaniment to all of them. This truly is a simply, yet sophisticated Russian rye bread."

The light sour finish lingers and is really quite nice.


Make again? - Yes, definitely.

Changes/Recommendations: I would probably increase the TDW by 50% so that the pan was entirely filled and reduce bake time a little.




squattercity's picture

once again, that's a stellar bread you have there. Just looking at your photos makes me salivate.

I tried my hand at this a while back -- baked as a boule, which Ilya told me was almost sacrilege -- and can confirm: It's a lovely simple formula that yields a complex bread.


Ilya Flyamer's picture
Ilya Flyamer

Wow sorry if my comment came out so harsh! I think just typically almost all kinds of high % rye are typically baked in a pan in Russia, at least nowadays... No judgment from me if you want to make free-standing loaves instead! Generally with reduced hydration any rye bread can be baked without a pan.

squattercity's picture

You weren't harsh, Ilya, and I didn't interpret your comment as a judgment. But you did say that no one in Moscow would bake the bread as a boule. I'm just a free-form kind-of guy, I guess.

CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks Rob, It was fun to make and delicious to eat. More rye breads to bake in the near future.


suave's picture

Sacrilege?  Most certainly not.  It used to be said that being baked on the hearth is one of the things that makes Russian breads Russian.

Ilya Flyamer's picture
Ilya Flyamer

The crumb really looks perfect here, very nice looking bread!

CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks Ilya, that's quite a complement coming from a rye expert like yourself.


Benito's picture

Tony it looks like a wonderful rye bread from the outside, but from the inside you’d never know that it is more than 70% rye.  What a lovely open crumb for a bread of its composition, nice bake.


CalBeachBaker's picture

As always, thank you Benny.


jo_en's picture

I love that cross section. :) It's hard to keep up with all the rye bakes coming from So cal!


CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks, you got to love the rye breads. More to come.


Isand66's picture

You nailed this one.  Perfect crumb and your crust looks so inviting 😉

CalBeachBaker's picture
