The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

the end part of the bread - for fun

andykg's picture

the end part of the bread - for fun

I call it the nobby, my wife calls it the crust.

What do you call it?

rgreenberg2000's picture
rgreenberg2000 what I call it. :)

Justin's picture

the heel.

Benito's picture

We call them the heels as well.

albacore's picture

Interestingly, the Scottish word is heel, but we English use crust. I'm not sure what the Welsh word is!


texas_loafer's picture

——delicious, if not——breadcrumbs. 

G. Marie's picture
G. Marie

I call my kids. They fight over that part :)

phaz's picture

I never have leftover heels (Italians call it heel to) - that's the best part of the bread! But, it does make incredible bread crumbs (a deep rich flavor and extra crunchy). Cube it for croutons - toast in a pan with a good amount of olive oil, add a little garlic and lots on black pepper, toss with parsley and grated parm. Simply delicious!

Sabina's picture

I've always called it the crust.

I once had a customer at a coffee shop in Toronto who called it the bum. I thought she was making a joke at first, but she was not.

bonnibakes's picture

My grandson was 3 years old at the time and a very picky eater. The only thing he was sure to eat were the cut off ends of a fresh baguette. He called them "the corners".

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

Here in Linz, its affectionately called a Schertzl.  (Share+t-cell) (say it fast, two sylables.)

It's the first piece to get eaten if not saved as altus for the next loaf.  :)

gavinc's picture

My wife calls it "the end bit". I have to fight her off until the loaf cools. : )
