The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Decent Sourdough

texas_loafer's picture

Decent Sourdough

After much trial and error, research and many pounds/kg of flour, I have a few loaves that turned out.This one is an 80% hydration sourdough loaf cooked off at 500/450 F in a dutch oven.


350 grams bread flour

90 grams whole wheat flour

350 grams water

90 grams ripe sourdough starter (100% hydration)

10 grams Diamond Crystal kosher salt or fine sea salt

Six stretch and folds during bulk fermentation and 14 hours cold proofing in the fridge in a banneton

VRini's picture

Really tasty looking. The recipe reminds me of Maurizio Leo's beginner sourdough @ 78 percent hydration with the stretch and folds of his "best" sourdough. Yours is a little wetter. You use 15 gm more ripe starter than half of the best recipe.

Something is imparting that nice color. Congrats on a fine bake. 

semolina_man's picture

Looks great!