Did anyone see L'atelier du Pain Serie by SFBI


I see that SFBI is offering access, for a fee,  to the L'atelier du Pain Serie that just ended.  I am interested in the whole wheat section, and wondered if anyone here caught if, and if so, what did you think?  


The guest bakers are in front of an audience, there is a lot of talking and questions, but some actual preparation. The recipes are commercial quantities but can be scaled down. The sessions are probably worthwhile if you can afford the fee, but there is a lot of filler in each video. I do not dispute that these bakers are top of their class, but a little odd and in some cases introverted. This means that the sessions are not entertaining, but can be instructional.

Michael, thanks, it is about $100,  and since I was only interested in the whole wheat session,  I was concerned about the value.