Daily bread...


Hi there,

I am starting a new job in September that will mean I need to leave the house before my family get up.

What I want to do, is to be able to put a loaf in the oven (I have an electric oven and a very old aga) for them to take out when they come down for breakfast.

I have a kitchen aid with a dough hook and I love making bread with it, but I can't work out how to time the raising and the proving of this morning loaf, so that it's ready for about 7.45...without me having to be up at 5.30!

I have tried making a batch of dough in the evening and leaving it in the cool of the larde over night, I got up at 6, and knocked it back, then I left it to rise and put it in the oven before I leave at 7.15.

It didn't rise very well and it ended up a bit dense and not cooked in the middle.

What timings and size would you suggest please? I am looking for a small loaf- probably a bit wholemeal.


If so, then make the dough in the morning, leave it to ferment through the day, in the evening, shape and let it prove, then into the fridge before bed, then in the morning straight from fridge to oven...

Obviously on day 2, you're taking from the fridge to the oven, then making up the dough for day 3...


oversleep?  Wake up to burning bread and a smoke alarm?  And then the loaf has to cool.   

Tricky.   What if they run late and forget to take the bread out of the oven?  I would never leave the house with the oven on unless it was on a timer to turn the oven off again.

I would bake the bread when you can on your schedule and put the toaster on the table, along with sliced bread inside a bowl covered with a plate.  Use the opportunity of a schedule change to teach the family to be more involved with making breakfast for each other, now before Sept.  Later, to have fresh bread in the morning in place of you could be begging for more stress on top of getting used to a new job.  Make things easier for yourself.  :)