Hi all
I finally posted my first blog post last night, and would love some advice if you have time to look at it. I made my first baguettes - two different recipes - and want to do it again for a family party this weekend (in fact I have just finished setting up a batch of san joaquin sourdough and a batch of txfarmer's 36 hour recipe).
Any advice on what to do differently this time would be fantastic, thank you!
Try slashing diagonally with slightly overlapping diagonal slashes.
Steam would help a lot with texture color and crust put a sheet pan of hot water in the oven let it boil then set your tray of bread on it and cover it with a higher pan on top for 5 minutes then uncover and let it bake
Thanks so much for the help. The shaping videos are great. I am using steam, but not putting something over the baguettes as I don't have anything that will fit! The steaming seems to be working ok, the oven certainly feels steamy when I open it. Not as good as when I bake boules in a dutch oven, but pretty good. I think it's all about the practice.