Hello TFL members,
I have just kicked off my herb bread theme week on mybreadandbrot.com. I will be posting some of my favourite herb bread recipes thanks to my thriving herb garden.
I would be very interested to hear which herbs and combinations my fellow TFL bakers like to bake with.....
Other than adding some Italian herb mix to my pizza dough and caraway seeds to rye bread... I haven't really tried adding herbs to my bread. Though, now that I think about it, many years ago Tassajara used to sell the most wonderful cottage cheese dill bread. Now I am going to have to look up the recipe!
I will check out your site for ideas on herb breads and try some out!
Love the idea of adding herbs and I'll be following your posts for some ideas. I normally add anise, coriander, fennel and caraway spices to my rye bread but I have never used herbs.
that is whatever is growing in my garden at the time. So, thyme, sage, rosemary and oregano as a mixture. Wild garlic, leaves and flowers, is awesome. This grows approx Apr to May in the UK.