On the advice that one can make a less than 50 percent rye bread with stretch and folds, I tried that and added a long autolyse. All good, though, apparently, I am incapable of strictly following the scientific method. Here is the second try at this bread with rye and all-purpose einkorn flour. Very proud of the nice oven spring.
Looks great! I wish I got oven spring like that with mine. As dark as it is, I was amazed to ready how little rye was in it.
displaced the myth that rye breads shouldn't use slap and folds and stretch and folds to develop the gluten in the 50% non rye flour. No looking back now. Well one and happy baking,
the non rye flours. This is a good looking wheat bread or better said, Mixed Bread! Glad it was treated like one.
Crumb shot? (pretty please)