This is my Tartine "Basic Country Bread" with original recipe...
- 450 gr APF
- 50 gr Whole WF
- 375 gr Water (%75 Bakery percentage)
-100 gr Starter (%100 Hydration)
- 10 gr Salt
Whole water percentage is %77.2.. That is original recipe from the "Tartine Book"...
Nice looking loaf. Lovely crust color and nice open crumb. Can't see much bran in it, though. Did you perhaps sift it out, or did you use a very finely milled flour? My Tartine always has more visible bran in it. Could just be the way the pic was taken, though. :)
I have used very finely stone milled whole wheat flour of 50 gr...
I can show you the photo I used one...
That explains it! What did it taste like? It is one of my favorite loaves. :)