February 20, 2015 - 7:50am
BF refridge retarding question
I am planning to bake a basic SD recipe this weekend. Time scheduling being a challenge I am looking into retarding my BF. Can anyone shed some light on whether a 15hr bulk ferment using 10% starter works out?
My plan is to mix, autolyse, finish mixing and place into containers and into fridge. 15hrs later remove from fridge allow 1-2 hours to come to temp then form, bench rest for 20 and form and place into bennetons and proof for 1-4hrs and bake.
today we did a 60% whole multi-grain boule that was 2 hours of gluten development on the counter with no bulk ferment on the counter, then retarded it shaped for 16 hours 36 F at 15% levain, let it warm up on the counter for 2 hours in the oven it went and it worked out fine. Even though you are doing a bulk retard the times should be be well within limits.
Happy retarding
Starter amount works. Another approach would be to do a preferment overnight (or all day) on the kitchen counter, then shape the dough and let it sit in the fridge for 15 hours or even up to 30 hours. Then you can bake straight out of the fridge.