Long time no see!


So, I've been absent from my blog, but it doesn't mean I haven't been baking.

Lately I've been baking almost exclusively the Rustic Bread by Floydm. I never made loafs with preferments, so it was new, but I liked doing it.

I also recently acquired a Le Cruiset pot, so I baked in it for the first time. And I have to say, it was the most beautiful bread I have ever baked!

I made half a recipe, I thought it was too much. But now I'm doing the whole one! It's very good.

I loved how it looked and how it tasted. I'm addicted to doing this recipe. And using my pot.

One of the times I baked two loafs, one in the pot and one in a regular opened pan, and the difference was huge!

I would like to bake it in a batard shape, but I'm afraid I won't get that beeeeautiful crust as in the pot. What is the best way to make that same steam on an opened pan?

One thing I would like to say is that before joining here, for me, the whole process of making bread would take like 2 hours tops. One hour was enough time for a bread to rise (no wonder it was always heavy). Now, I plan myself ahead, and usually take a whole day off when I want to bake. And it's paying off.

Thank you!