October 30, 2014 - 12:21pm
We 3 gmas Rye Tested - Week 1
Here are the pictures of the breads we made for week one of Stan's new Rye bread book.
Fun baking with my sisters! Fun checking out Stan Ginsberg's recipes for his new cookbook... We are happy so far... if it keeps going like this, the book will be great! The Rye Testing is great fun.
Happy Baking Everyone!
Diane, Barbra and Helen!
Wow! You really leapt to it! I just got my box of goodies and have my first loaves in process.
Timing was perfect for us... Stan sent the recipes late Tuesday evening and our usual "sisterly bake" together in Texas and Washington... (two in North Texas, 50 miles apart, one in Northeastern Washington) is on Wednesday, so since we all had the necessary ingredients we decided it was meant to be!
Happy Baking Colleen!
Yours all look great. I just finished mine and will post the first loaf soon. Have to start working on the second loaf soon.
My NYB order arrived today. My baking will have to be mostly on the weekends, due to my work schedule. I'll be getting started tomorrow night. Hope my loaves are as lovely. By your pictures, I think I am in Helen's group. Will post and share when baked.
The crumb of the first shot is fabulous. They all so tasty! Well done and happy baking