Red star ADY tiny


I was surprised to see red stars ADY had the tiny, tubular shape I associate with IDY!  Anyone have experience with it?  Does it work more like instant yeast or more like active dry?

I still have a quantity of Red Star ADY that has been quietly resting in the freezer downstairs for about five years now. It still works on demand when needed.Most of the time, I hydrate the ADY before using but I have also mixed in some small quantities that were dry into a few sourdough loaves when the starter appeared to be sluggish. The ADY did hydrate in the wet dough and go to work, albeit slowly.  I don't encourage anybody to do that at home but I wouldn't want anyone to be afraid to try a 1/4 or 1/2 tsp addition out of curiosity. It's definitely a YMMV kind of thing.