I'm proud of this 75 percent whole wheat bread because I was just about ready to throw away the dough, but let it rise some more on the off chance that I would learn something. I learned that three days of dough playing can make a nice bread. The recipe started with a Forkish FWSY commercial yeasted recipe and took some turns quite far afield. (For anyone interested, when I followed the recipe as is, it made a nice bread, though I hate to use anything but my starter.)
If you are an active freshloaf participant, yes, I also posted this bread on the sourdough forum because I was reviving my starter after vacation.
It's not easy to do with whole wheat. Congrats!
Care to outline your process?
moist looking. A 3 day bread around here could be the shortcut of the year:-) So what number was this bread on your 108 bread quest?