You know you got to know your dough...
.... when you can go by feel and know you have added enough Flour/Water and of course when the dough has proofed enough without going by the clock.
When I started baking with Sourdough I had to do EVERYTHING by the book and had to use recipes all the time.
Now, 14 month later I can mix and match flours in a good ratio to each other, can work with wet and sticky doughs and know if the dough has the right consistency.
I think one really should mix and knead by hand , at least for the first 20 loafs of bread, if not 30 so that one can get a feel for the dough, how it changes while kneading until it is time for shaping.
All those steps , I believe , are so important to produce good bread.
For a while I was obsessed with the Window Pane thing and I strongly believe that , if one goes to to many Sites reg. baking one gets confused.
I like it here:)
Using a Stand Mixer is great, it saves time if one is busy, but I think, before going for the Stand Mixer one should first get to know the dough.
My husband is always wondering how I can now just look at the dough to know if it is done kneading or S&F ...
I am by no means perfect, I have still a lot to learn, shaping is not so my thing, Boules are fine, but Bartards, oh oh, I never get them shaped right and the always burst in my Dutch Oven and look not so good.
Also formulas and % and Bakers % and and and... I am not so good at all those things.
Maybe one day.
Happy Baking and get your hands in and on the dough:)
Isn't it amazing, the difference between experience and book knowledge? Don't worry, you will come to understand bakers percentages and formula formatting just as well, too.
Yes, it is amazing Paul.
Books are great to start with, but there is only so much a book can teach you, you learn most by doing.
Math never was my strongest point, but one day it might click lol.