
Good morning all

I have been away for a very long time,welcome back

Thank you in advance for helping me with this question.

I am reviving an old recipe that my grandfather used to use to make a bread called mosbolletjies(South African)

the old man used to use hot milk to make a brioche type dough, I read on the forum here that I could used dried milk and it will give the same effect to the dough. 

Please help clear this issue for me

Thank you





Have you made this recipe successfully before? I would recommend making the bread successfully without any changes, then try again with your change. That way, you will know what the change actually does. If you jump right into a recipe making changes the first time and you have some problem, it will not be evident whether the problem is a product of the change or just that you are not doing something with the recipe correctly.

Milk and milk powder are two different ingredients, and may not always react in the same way in your dough. In some recipes, there may be no noticeable difference, but you won't know unless you make both and compare.