We did it again, made Danishes, and braids, and visited the laminated doughs...frozen, fresh and unlaminated... as per our usual we went different ways, with similar Ideas... and, of course, tasty results!
The lead in is Helen's cream cheese filled Danishes with simple syrup glaze...
Here they are cooling... nice and brown...
These are mine, the lighting really makes them look raw... but they are lightly browned, cream cheese, cherry and apple... cherry/apple and then all three on some... lots of yummy thrown in for good measure.
Barb plated hers and placed them in her kitchen corner herb garden... lovely... I bet they didn't stay there very long... they are begging to be paired with fresh coffee... and then a nap!
I am now taking a coffee break with mine and we'll let you know what we bake next week.
Happy Baking, Diane, Helen and Barbra
but the those lightly browned, multi-fruited ones with coffee look divine. The only problem is there should be at least 2 of these, one for each thigh, on the plate:-) I love Danish even Swede and making puff paste but none of that is going on in the AZ kitchen at 86 F. I forgot to move the herbs to the shade one day and they turned to dust. Did save the Swiss Chard though - everything else is dead with the exception of a few volunteer cherry tomatoes that won't set fruit till October if we can keep them alive till then.
Well done GMA's and
Happy Baking
Had to work around the weather... made the dough in the late evening, all laminated etc... into fridge... up in the early hours for the bake... Mother Nature can't stop gmas... for goodness sake! And these were good! LOL Thanks for the kind words DAB.
HB... Diane
school. She leaves tomorrow. I'm smoking ribs and then she is off - likely not to ever return home except to visit - very sad. it has been nice having her around. Will make a blueberry pie for her boyfriend who is driving with her ....
If it was 110 F and outside and 90 F inside then even GMA's would have a hard time with puff paste :-)
You win. LOL