April 26, 2014 - 5:23pm
Calculating total flour
When calculating total flour of formula, what ingredients would you include?
Would diastatic malt powder or malt barley powder be included? Any others that you would add as part of total flour?
When calculating total flour of formula, what ingredients would you include?
Would diastatic malt powder or malt barley powder be included? Any others that you would add as part of total flour?
I include malt powders as they are often an ingredient in flour anyway. Vital Wheat Gluten counts towards flour. Any ground grain that won't be used in a soaker I usually count towards the total flour. It's mostly a reference point per the formula for me. I'm sure there is rule out there somewhere.
Thanks for input Josh!
I use a spreadsheet that has a drop down box that allows for selection of ingredients in certain lines of the sheet. I have assigned two lists for the lines. One includes all the flours that I currently use or have in the past. They count toward total flour while the other list contains ingredients that I thought shouldn't count. I think in need to move the malt powders to the list that count for the reason you mention. That's what I was thinking hen I made the post.I haven't been counting cracked wheat or other grains either. I have them grouped with nuts but may rethink that too.