March 1, 2014 - 8:35pm
Long bulk rise vs. short proof ?
If I want to do a long overnight rise of my sourdough, I have to do it in the initial container because if I bulk rise it for 4 hours and then move to the proofing baskets they will continue to rise outside of the size of the proofing basket.
Is this ok? Do I need to do a long basket proof after an overnight bulk rise?
I'd put them in the fridge but it's too cold.
That should work.
Another way, one I often do, is to do the bulk rise on the counter then shape the loaves and retard them overnight in the fridge. Take them out of the fridge, heat the oven and pop them in.
My fridge is too cold I find. I used to do bulk rise, put in baskets, put in fridge, and then directly to bake, but I found the didn't spring back nearly as much as my unrefrigerated loaves.
Or rather overnight is too long for my too cold long can I risk it at normal fridge temps?