January 28, 2014 - 6:08pm
Confused about yeast
I want to make the 25% WW bread in the recipes section. What yeast do I use because it does not say, and exactly how much yeast do I use when the recipe says the following...
"Make a poolish with8 ounces of stone ground whole wheat flour and 8 ounces of water and as much yeast as will lay on a table knife blade."
According to the definition of a polish in the appendix section, one uses very little yeast but I can fit an awful amount on a table knife blade.
Typically, just a pinch of yeast(instant dry/active dry-no more than about 1/16 tsp) is used to make a poolish needed for a loaf of bread.
To estimate 1/16 tsp, measure out ¼ tsp, then divide that into 4 portions. One portion is about the 1/16 tsp, or pinch, needed to make the poolish.
You really don't need to sweat being any more accurate than that, if you don't have the tools to do so(scale, special measuring spoons, etc.).
Appears you are making quite a bit of poolish here, about double what I'm used to seeing for one loaf(so maybe this is for 2 loaves). So you could possibly use a little more yeast(up to 1/8 tsp). But even if you use just 1/16 tsp, it will still ripen. Just may take a little longer, depending on the temperature.
Thank you very much. That would fit onto the thin side of a kitchen knife... :-)